Friday 23 May 2014

Manly, Brisbane to Bundaberg

S 24 45.42, E 152 23.68


Manly, Brisbane to Bundaberg

We finally set off on our East Coast 2014 cruise up the coast of Queensland on the 14th May. With a fair breeze and friend Robbi aboard we had a fast sail across Moreton Bay over to Tangalooma on Moreton Island, where we moored for the night inside the wrecks placed there to provide a more secure mooring – they don’t work that well, but good as bird roosts.
Tangalooma wreck, Moreton Bay

Channel marker Myora, Moreton Bay


Then, another nice fast sail up to Mooloolaba, where we stayed in the marina rather than anchor in the river as we expected the stay to be a bit longer. The SE winds stayed at 20-24Kts for the next few days so a bit of a swell built up on the ocean, which prevented us from the next leg, which was to cross the Wide Bay Bar to go in behind Fraser Island – the extra ocean swell of 3M makes the sand bar unpassable. So we spent 4 relaxed days of chilling, downing coffees and cakes, and kicking the tyres of a few boats and boat deals. Jo made sure I kept my cheque book on Kirra Kirra.
Nice new genoa doing its work

Genoa adds 1-2 Kts speed.
Surfing the Mooloola River bar on a surf ski
Jo and Robbi, Mooloolaba beach
After 4 days, the winds had dropped a little, we had itchy feet and were bored with being in one place for too long, so we sailed up to Wide Bay and anchored for the night in behind Double Island Point – of course  the swell came around the point and made our O/N anchorage a bit of a roller coaster.

Our anchorage off sand cliffs on Rainbow Beach, Wide Bay. Note the swell

White water on the Wide bay Bar - not a biggie as it was off to the side

Then crossed the bar, which has a well-deserved reputation for surprises, but this day was normal – just a bit of white water to the side and the swell built to 1.5-2M on the bar, making it a bit of a downhill run coming in.  And then we were into the calm protected waters of The Great Sandy Straits - it is a tad shallow in spots and we bumped one sand bar.

A night at Garry’s Anchorage saw my best haul of mud crabs to date – 6 angry and snappy crabs in the one crab-pot! Only 2 keepers, both very good size  – of the others the 2 females had to go back (isn’t that always the way with the girls) and 2 were undersized.
Garry's Anchorage, Fraser Island
Garry's at sunset. Feel that tranquillity
After a visit to Kingfisher resort on Fraser Island (the largest sand island in the whole wide world – so ‘tis said -  we spent a night anchored off Big Woody Island.  Hooked 3 nice sized fish using prawn heads for bait - landed one nice snapper. One too big and broke the 30lb line.

Going to get the crab pot - early morning

Tough work this sailing
Brahminy Kite, Kingfisher pier, Fraser Is.
Catching snapper, Big Woody Is.

Osprey with catch, Fraser Island


Then the next day a quick sail across to Urangan, where Bob joined us for the night feast of mud crabs, prawns and fish and Robbi jumped ship.

Sea food feast at Urangan - mud crab, prawns, fresh caught fish, and wine of course.
After a few more glasses of wine

A total lack of wind meant we motored the whole 36nMiles (about 65Km) up to Bundaberg and anchored in the Burnett River for the night.
Prawn trawler returning to base - looks well loaded

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Kirra Kirra gets a lift

Kirra Kirra gets a lift
14th May2014
Location:      Lat: 27.45 S   Long: 153.18 E

We went down to the marina where the antifouling (that's what bottom painting for boats is called) was done in a 30 knot storm and after a week or so now Kirra Kirra is looking like new with a polish to boot.

Panorama of Manly marina, Brisbane

Nice mini keels - Kirra Kirra lifting her skirts

Hope they don't drop her

Myora light, North Stradbroke Is (Nth Strady to the locals)

Plenty of room for the lift
There was some work to do, after sitting idle in a marina for 6 months!!

The start of our own barrier reef.
Note to yachties - Prop speed has done its job nicely

On our way North tomorrow.