Wednesday 6 August 2014

Magnetic Is. to Dunk Is.

S 17o55.80’’, E 146o0820’’


Maggie to Dunk Island

Left Horseshoe Bay on Maggie Is after several lovely days and then up to Orpheus Is, and passed what were probably our last lot of humpback whales, breaching clear of the water.
Lynn, Mike n Jo at Radical Bay.
No radicals here?

Orpheus Is. has a small resort, a marine research station which we visited, and some very good coral reefs which was my first dive this year. Water still seemed chilly at 23.5C – I must be becoming a Qlder. A lovely display by a group of  large 6 manta rays off the back of Kirra Kirra one afternoon had us enthralled. Flying at speed under water.

Then sailed via the small (read tiny) town of Dungeness to take on water and a huge pub meal. It is a sugar export place - with picturesque Hinchinbrook (surely called Hinchy) in the background.  

5.4 Km long sugar conveyor for loading ships.
That's a ship at the end.
Sugar train - cute eh?
The fat controller may be had eaten too much sugar?

The beautiful side of Dungeness - Hinchinbrook in the background

Dungeness looking lovely

More of Dungy

Then outside Hinchinbrook Is. to Zoe Bay for a 1 day stop at anchor. The mountains on Hinchinbrook are spectacular – to 1100M. The swell at anchor in Zoe Bay was a pain but worth the hassle for the walk to the superb tropical waterfall and pool, complete with schools of large fresh water fish. No crocs in that pool!
Creek at Zoe Bay - croc warning meant quick to get the dingy to land

Beach at Zoe bay

The Qld Govt actually says in a croc awareness pamphlet:
If there is no warning sign, crocs might still be about!! 

Jungle nymph at pool

Jungle perch in said pool. I think the eyes have it.

Nice funghi

Big funghi at Hinchy

The big goanna on Hinchy

Qld looking less than perfect
Then up around the north head of Hinchinbrook Is, past abandoned Hinchinbrook resort  to Goold Is.  A delightful place in super weather so we stayed 3 nights, just chillin’. The only sound to be heard one evening was a dugong swimming and snorting (breathing) for some hours around the boat. Hard to see and even harder to photograph these rare mammals.

Goold Is sand spit - feel the serenity

Then a nice sail up to Dunk Is., site of another resort wrecked in cyclone Yasi in 2011.  Celebrations on catching our first Spanish mackerel by trolling (are called Spaniards up here in FNQ). An easy walk up Mt. Kootaloo to admire the view and see the remains of one of the early WW-II radar units.  

Jungle path - Dunk Is

WW-II radar turn-table. Shame its not preserved

Yep - Welcome

To a wrecked resort

Lovely Coral-Flame tree in flower - Dunk Is

Truly shitful rubbish weather for the past few days here at Dunk Is. where we have sheltered in Brammo Bay.
Comment: Qlds weather certainly aint perfect all the time. Winds are predicted to blow 20-30 Kts for the next 5 days.  We plan on being into Cairns within the next week.

Highlights of the last 2 weeks:

  • ·          The water fall and jungle pool at Zoe Bay, Hinchinbrook.
  • ·          Manta rays playing off  the back of Kirra Kirra at Orpehus Is.
  • ·          Enjoying 3 simply perfect days at Goold Is.
  • ·          Catching our first Spanish mackerel – excellent eating