Friday 3 April 2015

S 37.9190, E 147.7200.


 Tuncurry (NSW) to Paynesville (VIC)

Well we have finished cruising and Kirra Kirra is tied up secure and safe in Paynesville at a small jetty on the canals of Paynesville. Paynesville is on the Gippsland Lakes in eastern Victoria. Entrance to this large lakes system is via a narrow channel at guess where - Lakes Entrance. No prizes for that one.

The sail south on our final leg was fairly uneventful but did provide some unique and first time sightings – see below.

We sailed in mainly NW winds, so wind on the stern quarter made for mainly easy day sailing.

Stops included Pt Stephens – where our friends at d’Albora Marina managed to sting us with the most expensive marina charges in the east coast of Australia – well done! And after the Whitsundays, that’s saying something!!
Then on to Pittwater for a night or 2, then Sydney (Port Jackson), Pt Hacking  - great marina at Cronulla and the joy of ever popular Jibbon Beach.
South Heads, Sydney Harbour with Sydney town in the background
Delightful Store Bay beach on Sydney Harbour,
set up for a romantic couple.

Further south to the wonderful harbour of Jervis Bay. Here we saw the steel hulled sailing barque James Craig, at anchor and heading north after aborting her trip south to the wooden boat festival in Hobart due to high winds.
The James Craig - at anchor - Jervis Bay
James Craig

Then on to Ulladulla, the third time for Kirra Kirra - it’s a lovely little harbour as long as there is no swell. 
Kirra Kirra at Ulladulla
And via a stop at Batemans Bay to Bermagui, where we caught up with Doug, who helped us sail back in 2013 from Hobart to Bermagui.
Happy Days

And then via a stop at Eden to the sheltered waters at Lakes Entrance with an overnight sail in 20Kt winds on the stern down and round the corner of Gabo Island to Lakes Entrance. No moon but brilliant star light lit the way, together with phosphorescent waters. Simply superb!
Note the ears

Big ears again

Now that's a crows nest - trawler at Lakes Entrance

The lakes are not as shallow as I had thought and are a wonderful large protected waters boating area. Also provides a close base to Bass Strait for further cruising.
We will prop here till at least next year - exploring this area.
Safe and sound in Paynesville

Friends gathered at the end of our cruise
Highlights of the trip down:

·        Visiting some favourite anchorages – Pittwater, Sydney and Jervis Bay.

·        Catching up with friends Lex and Sandy at Pittwater.

·        Seeing the tall ship James Craig out on the water at Jervis bay.

·        Catching up with Doug in Bermagui, and mate from RBYC and back in 2013 one of our first sailing crew when we went cruising. In fact he jumped ship there and has never left since!!

·        And seeing some simply amazing sights at night:

o   dolphins zooming under the hulls at night – like lit torpedoes

o   large areas glowing with phosphorescent animalacules in Bass Strait.

To our blog readers – this is the final post of our 2014 blog – which finished back in Victoria from where we started just about 2 years agao.

Until we go cruising again – probably in 2016 – see you round, like a rissole.

If interested see our cruising blog from 2013:

On watch as usual