Thursday 24 July 2014


S 19o09.50’’, E 146o5123’’


Around Magnetic Island & Townsville

We picked up friends Siv and John in the marina out at Magnetic Is. and then spent 4 fine and sunny days sailing around Maggie (as Magnetic Island is known to all – yet another aussie nickname ending in ie, y or o) before sailing back into Townsville Breakwater Marina where they jumped ship and flew back into winter (he he).
J&J, John n Siv
Hello sailor

Some History: Magnetic island –was originally called Magnetical Island by Lt. James Cook in 1770, because it looked like this area had magnetical anomalies - ie his compass acted up.  No such interference exists and my theory was it was probably the iron bar down the trouser leg of the bosun, carried for personal protection, or as a fetish.
Well balanced
Florence Bay, Maggie Is.

Day 1. Sailed slowly on just the new genoa from Nelly Bay round to Radical Bay for lunch – what a great name. After lunch of excellent chunky beef pies from the baker in Nelly’s Bay, we then sailed around to Horseshoe Bay – a lovely anchorage with a few small eateries and a even a pub.

Day 2. A walk to the WW-II forts built in 1942. Really just a gun emplacement high in the Maggie granite hills. Saw koalas, an echidna and importantly a snake – subsequently identified as a juvenile Taipan (read very very poisonous). Bloody thing moved like greased lightening too.
The WW-II observation post - nice view
At the fort.

Day 3. Spent the morning playing engineers assistants on Time2 and then John and I had a relaxing afternoon pretending to fish. We didn’t trouble the fish and they didn’t bother about us either, so again no edible fish. I think it’s possibly the cold water – only 21C. Our freezer has more room devoted to bait than to real food. I have told Jo it's good quality bait and we could eat it!
John, Mike, Lynn, J and Siv -
on the beach, Horseshoe Bay, Maggie

Goin' fishin'

Day 4. A sail in brisk breeze and motor into Townsville marina, where after a lovely sea- food lunch, Siv and John departed

 And then another few days in Townsville of reprovisioning and doing the dreary laundry.  Yes that’s right – it may come as a shock to you, but we are not above doing our laundry and still somehow have to cope with the other boring things in life.
Originally Townsville Post Office, now a brewery
So called CBD, Townsville.
Old hotel on the sea front
Originally the Customs House, now empty 

  Highlights of the last 4 days:

·         Having friends Siv and John aboard.

·         Exploring Maggie –a lovely peaceful place, bush and magnificent granite outcrops.

·         Seeing the wild life up close and in one case too personal. Whales, koalas, a snake and an echidna.

The pointy look 

Rock hopping level 1.01

Functional sculptures, The Strand, Townsville.
The ring-ins look a bit dysfunctional

There's that pointy thing again.
Maggie Is., Horseshoe Bay


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